A little bit about me...

I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am majoring in Elementary Education/Special Education. This is a dream that I have had for a long time. I love children, and I love working with them. My grandfather was a college professor, my aunt is a teacher, and I have several cousins that are teachers and professors as well. I guess some may think that it may be in my "blood" to be a teacher, and maybe it is. I would like to teach the younger kids from kindergarten through second grade.
My experience in teaching, I would have to say comes from teaching dance. I started dancing at the age of 2, and began teaching dance when I was a teenager. I am now the dance coach at St. Luke's Middle and High School. I teach ballet and Zumba to little kids at the YMCA and Zumba here at South.

Students Should Be Equal

How would you describe a perfect class? Would you want a class filled with perfect students? Students who have no behavior problems, students that knew everything; so you wouldn't have a hard time teaching the students. The point is that classes are not like that. You will have classes with good students and not-so-good students. You will have smart and not-so-smart students. The thing is that all students need to be treated the same. All students have a right to a fair education. This is something I have learned that classes are now inclusive, so every student is included in everything, and that should be how it is. I am going to be a teacher that will try not to judge my students. I must treat every student the same. The class where every child gets the same education, the same treatment, and the same privileges. That is what I call a perfect class.